This page was last updated: February 7, 2025
© 2006-2025
Trick or Treat
SOLD-Prints Available  
Completed September 14, 2023​
​A black cat, a princess and a little boy dressed as a pumpkin march down the road carrying a flag that reads, "Trick or Treat". While tricks are waiting around every corner, it's hard to find anything resembling a treat. If you look closely you will discover ghosts in the pumpkin barn, a skeleton in the outhouse, a spider that's just finished her web and two black cats waiting patiently under a mailbox for a little mouse that is planning her escape route.
Santa Sighting
Prints Available
Completed November 6, 2023​
A full moon along with mild temperatures create the perfect evening for ice skating. With wreaths hung and a warm glow coming from windows, the festive atmosphere brings many townspeople out after their dinner. As people glide across the ice, only one little girl pausing to wait for her brother notice's a portly, red clad, bearded gentleman. Could it be Santa?
Sunday Dinner
SOLD-Prints Available 
Completed December 15, 2023​
Sunday dinner is always something to look forward to. This week is extra special because of a new addition to the family; a baby girl. As her dad carries a basket of food,  his daughter, excited to meet her new cousin runs ahead. Her mom and little brother are already admiring the tiny pink bundle of Joy.
Early Dismissal
Prints Available
Completed January 17,2024
While there's nothing better than waking up and learning that school has been cancelled because of a snow day, the second best thing would be an early dismissal.
As one student meets his parents at the gate, others have decided to take advantage of all the white stuff to make a snowman and throw snowballs.

Gulls Landing
Original Available
Prints Available
Completed March 3, 2024​
While three Seagulls fly overhead, others gather on the rooftop of "Gulls Landing Lighthouse" looking for handouts. While one man heads home with his freshly painted dingy, his children enjoy the ride as they tempt the scavengers with leftover crusts.

Crookshanks Magical Elixir
SOLD-Prints Available
Completed April 15 , 2024
People are out to town on a sunny Saturday afternoon to pick up supplies at the mercantile or grab a bite to eat at the Black Horse tavern. It's not long before they notice the colorful medicine wagon parked on the side of the road. A crowd gathers as Dr. Crookshank stands on a podium and boasts about his magical elixir.

A Carrot for Chompers
SOLD-Prints Available 
Completed May 15 , 2024
As a young boy finishes cleaning out the chicken coup, his brother shows off his new pony. A couple of girls from the neighborhood come bearing treats. The older of the two watches carefully, making sure her sister doesn't loose a finger as she offers a carrot to the pony, suitably named, Chompers. 

The Simple Life
Original Available
Prints  Available
 Completed June 20 , 2024
After several days of rain everyone is anxious to get outside and enjoy the simple things in life. While one family enjoys a leisurely ride in their Surry, others take a stroll or stop to gossip. A young  boy draws the attention of a dog as he rolls his hoop down the road.

The Clam Diggers
Original Available
Prints Available 
 Completed August 14 , 2024
While one ship has docked and unloaded its cargo, another makes its way to the pier. Taking advantage of the mild temperatures, some take a stroll through the village to visit friends or have lunch at Aerwyna's Lair. Down below, a father and his two sons head towards their home with baskets full of clams.

Madame Zoya's Treats
Prints Available 
 Completed September 17, 2024
Hoping to entice Trick or Treators, Madame Zoya has parked her wagon just outside her residence. As she waits, holding her crystal ball with her husband by her side, a ladybug, princess and rabbit proceed cautiously towards the large blue victorian. Little do they know that instead of candy, their treat will more likely be a psychic reading or seance. 

Heading Towards Christmas
Prints Available 
 Completed October 20, 2024
It's Christmas Eve and everyone is busy getting ready for the big day. As a young boy leads the way home after an evening adventure to find the perfect tree, his cousins put the finishing touches on their snowman. While the women talk about last minute additions to dinner, Santa flies overhead to make sure everyone has settled in for the night.
Airing Out The Quilts
SOLD - Prints Available Soon
 Completed December 30, 2024
A gentle breeze freshens quilts that have been stored in a musty chest since the spring. The reds, oranges and golds echo the colors of fall.  Children wait patiently as they introduce their pony to an inquisitive rooster and their mother catches up with a neighbor .
Adirondack Retreat
Original Available
Prints Available Soon
 Completed January 30, 2025
The Sun Sets signaling that it's time to head back to camp for dinner. 
As one young man reels in a nice size trout, his siblings are more interested in 
the doe and fawn waiting patiently on the bank as the canoe floats by.